Friday, June 29, 2012

Just a Little Creepy...

Mae drew this for me in the middle of the night the other night. I was awoke by a little girl standing by me telling me that she'd drawn this picture for me. Thrusting it in my face, she stated "See? He's a demon and all these guys are dancing around him... I gave you extra paper so you can make up the rest of the story yourself..." I was groggy with heavy sleep and, in that state, was totally creeped out by it.

Then, two days later, Mae did this creepy sleepwalk thing that totally had me convinced she was posessed for about 3 days, until I realized that she was just my silly, ill-temepered goober! :D

Still, kinda creepy... No?


Saturday, June 2, 2012

A Company Lunch

Friday was Jas' company picnic at Faulkner's Ranch here in Kansas City, MO. This was probably the most fun the girls had partaken of at one of these functions (they are usually held at the ball park) and the change of venue was a really good fit for family fun. The day was spent hanging out with family and enjoying the country with ponies to ride, bunnies to pet, food to eat, lines to zip down... it was a full day!